Literacy Program
The JHA Education Project supports literacy at Global Preparatory Academy by providing books for students during the fall and spring semesters. Global Prep participates in the annual fall book club, providing children the opportunity to learn and grow alongside their peers at IPS schools.
Study Abroad
Experiential education programming at Global Prep Academy includes a study abroad experience for all students. This experience allows students to become immersed in the culture and language of another country while residing in the homes of Spanish-speaking families. While Global Prep’s goal is for all students to have a global experience before their graduation from 8th grade, the cost of this experience is prohibitive for most students. The JHA Education Project will support the study abroad experiences of students attending Global Preparatory Academy beginning in spring 2022.
The planned “Young Men of Purpose” mentoring program that Indianapolis Schools have developed for Global Preparatory Academy and other Indianapolis schools will be implemented in fall 2021. The JHA Education Project and Malcolm will participate in and support this program.